35 Cool Hacks for New Baby that Really Works
6 Attach toys to slings with plastic rings
6. Attach toys to slings with plastic rings (via Wrapsody)
7 Best flash settings for baby photography
7. Best flash settings for baby photography: Learn how to photograph your newborn with this quick and easy guide to identifying the best flash settings for baby photography. (via Digital Camera World)
8 Use the secret swaddle to get even the most sleep-resistant baby to sleep
8. Use the secret swaddle to get even the most sleep-resistant baby to sleep: I am a huge fan of swaddling. I cannot even begin to count the number of hours of sleep I have enjoyed thanks to a good swaddle–both of my babies took to it very well.When Caroline was 4 months old, she was snugly wrapped in a Miracle Blanket, with a fleece Swaddle Me on top of that. Why? (a) (via styleberry BLOG)
9 Check the diaper color line
9. Check the diaper color line: Baby checklist (via C.R.A.F.T.)
10 Relieving baby gas
10. Relieving baby gas (via Home Heart Love)