45 Super Easy In Style DIY Bracelets
31 Easy Beaded Leather Bracelet
31. Easy Beaded Leather Bracelet: I have an extra cute tutorial today that I know youre just going to love! This beaded bracelet is super easy to make and ever so fun to wear. I saw a similar bracelet to this one recently atBloomingdaleswhile I was pulling products for a fashion post. So I thought these might be kind of (via Fab You Bliss)
32 Spike Bracelet
32. Spike Bracelet: You already know from this post that I’m into mixed metals in a big way. Upon seeing this bracelet and this necklace, I set out to make my own little piece of spiky goodness. The below bracelet i… (via The Stripe)
33 Jeweled Paracord Bracelet
33. Jeweled Paracord Bracelet: I know I’m not the only one who has held onto a collection of unmatched earrings, all who have sadly lost their mate at one point or another, for far too long. I haven’t been able to part with some of my favorite danglers in hopes that their other halves would eventually turn up. They never do. Thus (via Honestly…WTF)
34 Spike Rope Bracelet
34. Spike Rope Bracelet: Fun nautical fact: Rope bracelets were originally made and used by sailors as good luck charms to protect them on the open seas. We recommend setting sail while rocking the boat with style. Add a… (via P.S. – I Made This…)
35 Painted Tribal Bracelets
35. Painted Tribal Bracelets (via Dismount Creative)