50 Creative Ways to Repurpose and Reuse Utensils

26 Coffee Lamps

Coffee Lamps26. Coffee Lamps: Click to enlarge A couple of days ago, on a nice stroll up from Canal Street, a friend and I spotted an interesting structure in the window of the very cute Lafayette Espresso Bar + Market. Going in to explore further, and have a tea while at it, turns out the large sea urchin-like object (via CollabCubed)

27 Chrysanthemum Clock from Plastic Spoons

Chrysanthemum Clock from Plastic Spoons27. Chrysanthemum Clock from Plastic Spoons: Create a stunning chrysanthemum clock from plastic spoons and a store bought clock! Spray paint makes this clock fit into any decor color scheme. (via That’s What {Che} Said…)

28 Plastic Spoon and Bottle Hummingbird Feeder

Plastic Spoon and Bottle Hummingbird Feeder28. Plastic Spoon and Bottle Hummingbird Feeder (via Shabby Beach Nest)

29 Easter Egg Maracas

Easter Egg Maracas29. Easter Egg Maracas (via Made)

30 Spoon Pulls

Spoon Pulls30. Spoon Pulls (via Hutch Studio)

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