50 Healthy and Delicious Avocado Recipes
46 Goat Cheese & Avocado Toast
46. Goat Cheese & Avocado Toast (via Love & Olive Oil)
47 Baked Egg Avocado
47. Baked Egg Avocado: For a one-two punch of omega-3s in your breakfast, try baking eggs in an avocado. Beyond the heart-healthy fatty acids and high protein count, this low-sugar and fiber-filled breakfast will kick off your day on a healthy high note.If you’re (via PopSugar)
48 California Avocado Breakfast Casserole
48. California Avocado Breakfast Casserole: Wake up! Are you one of those people who wakes up quickly and gets out of bed to get ready for the day right away? Maybe you hit the snooze button a few times, catching a few extra winks? Or maybe you are like me and open your eyes as soon as your alarm goes…Read More (via Dine & Dish)
49 Breakfast Tostada
49. Breakfast Tostada: dieta salutare/healthy Have you noticed that my passion for baking, which is also my stress reliever, is a complete contradiction to my eating habits? Its kind of odd, really. You can imagine the looks I get when others learn I [] (via Mele Cotte)
50 Avocado Watermelon Salad
50. Avocado Watermelon Salad (via Ilana Freddye)