70 Awesome No-Sew DIY Project Ideas and Tutorials You Don’t Want to Miss
56 No Sew Sequin Camera Strap
56. No Sew Sequin Camera Strap: After little deliberation and a week or two of procrastination, I’ve finally busted out a DIY no sew sequin camera strap for you… (via Sugar and Cloth)
57 No Sew Bow Tie Toppers
57. No Sew Bow Tie Toppers: Miniature bow ties, the perfect tiny toppers for any sort of sweet. I designed this DIY to share at Style Me Pretty yesterday. It turned out to be one of the easiest projects ever. Not even one ounce of sewing involved! Simply pull out the closest glue gun, a piece of fabric and you can (via A Subtle Revelry)
58 No Sew Sweater Wrap
58. No Sew Sweater Wrap: Guys, I made a sweater from a favorite blanket. Well, it’s not really a sweater, per se. It’s not a poncho or capelet either. Maybe tunic? I’m not sure what to call it, but it feels similar to wearing a poncho (if you’ve ever owned one of those or a similar garment), and it’s SUPER cozy. I’d like to think this is a more fashionable version of a Snuggie. So,… (via A Beautiful Mess)
59 Easy No Sew Dog Bed
59. Easy No Sew Dog Bed (via Luigi and Me)
60 Darling Doilies
60. Darling Doilies: Get a custom look at a bargain price with DIY curtains and shades. These projects can all be done without making a single stitch. (via Better Homes and Gardens)