35 Cool Hacks for New Baby that Really Works
1 Taking onesies on and off over the legs (instead of head)
1. Taking onesies on and off over the legs (instead of head): Baby checklist (via C.R.A.F.T.)
2 Make baby leg warmer out of a pair of grownup knee-high socks
2. Make baby leg warmer out of a pair of grownup knee-high socks: TenCowChick is where I share my latest project and sometimes a tutorial or two. Look around and enjoy. I’m so glad you stopped by! (via Ten Cow Chick)
3 The diaper trick
3. The diaper trick (via Two Twenty One)
4 Dip the lollipop with the medicine if the baby is avoiding in taking the medication
4. Dip the lollipop with the medicine if the baby is avoiding in taking the medication: 19 (via Baby Tree)
5 Baby Bottle Cleaning Hack
5. Baby Bottle Cleaning Hack: I’m always fighting with a bottle brush to try and scrub the grime off the inside of my baby bottles that’s just so hard to get off.Until I discovered an easy (via Liz)