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The Most Dangerous Pets

The Most Dangerous Pets

Goats were probably the first animals domesticated by humans. Sheep and chickens followed closely, and later, larger animals – horses and oxen – were turned into invaluable companions for our ancestors. These animals were...

Where To Start Updating Your Home?

Buying a house that’s in need of some renovation can be a fantastic way to save on your asking price, and to put your own personalised stamp on the property. But if you invest...

Freshening Up A Dull Routine

Freshening Up A Dull Routine

One of the most frustrating feelings is when you realise your life has become dull, predictable and staid. Perhaps work has stopped being challenging and rewarding. Maybe you never do anything new with your...

Is Cosmetic Surgery Becoming More Widely Accepted?

Cosmetic surgery, at least on this side of the Atlantic, has remained roughly stable, according to figures released last year by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. More than twenty-eight thousand procedures were...